Rangihīroa’s PhD graduation at Waipapa Mārae, kei waho i te whare whakairo Tānenui a Rangi nā te tohunga whakairo Dr Pākariki Harrison me tana roopu rāua ko tana whānaunga ko John Hovell me Fatu Feu’u, Wynyard Street, Waipapa, UoA. Photograph: Gottfried Boehnke
© Rangihīroa Panoho, 2020-2024. No part of this document (text or imagery) is free to be copied, plagiarised or shared for publication or for uses neither intended nor agreed on by the author without his express permission. Details for writing to the author are as follows: blueskypanoho@icloud.com The opinions expressed are those of Dr Panoho and not those of former employers or industry colleagues

Featured image: Julio Pantoja, E hongi ana a Rangihīroa Panoho ki Megaron Txucaramãe, he rangatira o ngā iwi e rua ko Mebengokre rāua ko te Kaiapó o Amahona, Encuentro, kei roto i te Conservatório de Música, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2005.

PUBLICATIONS (a selection)


6 April – 2 May 2024 ĀKU MAUNGA HAERE ‘my travelling mountains’ was published by Rim Books imprint and featured in the accompanying catalogue to VIEWSHAFT Allan McDonald’s photographic show of Auckland’s volcanic maunga and their remnants at Anna Miles Gallery

5-24 April Rangihīroa Panoho, He Mauri ‘the essence’, an exhibition catalogue detailing a collection of cyanotypes on paper and textile, wooden assemblage and acrylic sprayed on paper, board and canvas. The show was on display at MODAL House, Ōwairaka and was hosted by Ockham Collective and generously funded by Albert-Eden Arts Trust

5 March (published online) Charles F. Goldie ‘The Whitening Snows of the Venerable Elder’ Atama Paparangi An essay on both the portrait of the sitter and a brief discussion regarding Goldie’s unusual role interpreting Māori people and their culture to a New Zealand audience. This piece of work was commissioned by ART & OBJECT

2023. March-November…, interviews, research, text, editorial work for New Zealand documentary photographer Allan McDonald

July – produced 4 masks with Tala Pasifika ( left-right TĀNE, Forest Guardians 1 & 2, RĀ ‘Sun God’) for Ti’iti’i . Tala Pasifika Production ‘Takurua: Ti’iti’i Sacred Knowledge, Takurua. The theatre production told the story of Ti’i-Ti’i-Atalaga (a contemporary of Māui from Māori legend), a rebellious trickster and hero of the Pacific. The drama was presented in conjunction with a five-course banquet created by Kingi’s acclaimed Chef de Cuisine Wallace Mua Frost. Takurua Ti’iti’i Sacred Knowledge built on the success of last year’s sold out Nafanua War Goddess show. Like ‘Nafanua’ Ti’iti’i was a celebration of indigenous practices in food, dance and storytelling.’

1-17 June TĀNE MOTUMOTU exhibition, 5 paintings, 3 painted mobiles, 4 poems, a show featuring eco-printing from native New Zealand trees and painted/printed additions in acrylic on cotton paper, board and canvas created during the first half of this year. The show also features an artist’s talk, E Kōrero Ana ki Ngā Rākau ‘Talking to the Trees’ 4.30-5.30pm, 5 June 2023, Mt Albert Library, Tāmaki : a discussion regarding Māori cosmologies and wānanga concerning the particular birds and trees selected and other ancestral stories. The talk will focus on the importance of not analysing the botanical specimen categorically but rather connecting with it relationally through whakapapa and through ancestral metaphor. With respect to the latter distinction this kaupapa involves growing with the life cycles of the plants, trees and birds and, through the process of kaitiakitanga, relating to and speaking to them. Both the show and the talk will take place within the Mt Albert Library, Tāmaki. A small catalogue will be left with the Library.

ĀTĀROA: KOHIA TE HĀ o Te AURERE ‘gather the essence of the wind’, wall text and artists statement, 24 paintings and photographs selected from previous 2021 ĀTĀROA exhibition and key works from artists own personal collection, installed inside te whare wānanga Whetū Mārama, Kupe Waka Center, Te Aurere, 10 December 2022 – 10 December 2024

2022. 10 key works from my 2021 Ātāroa exhibition and my personal collection, local hanging, celebration St Lukes Mihinare 150 years in Ōwairaka ‘Mt Albert’ community, hall St Lukes, 16 October 2022. See list of works in https://pihirau.co.nz/photography/ataroa/

2021. ĀTĀROA long shadow‘, 40 works (photographs, paintings, assemblages) Mahara Gallery, Waikanae, 24 July – 16 October

2020. Connew B. (photographer) / Panoho, R. (author) Ka kakati te namu, ka ora te kōrero: ‘the sandfly nips, the conversation lives’ and he mōteatea ‘the lament’ 11,000+ word essay for photographer Bruce Connew’s He Huinga Kupu A Vocabulary‘, Vapour Momenta Press, 2021, with special emphasis on Northern War 1845-1846, artists publication in association with Te Uru: Waitakere Contemporary Gallery

2019. PANOHO, R. ‘E kōrero ana ngā rākau, the Trees are Talking’, Raewyn Atkinson’s ‘I Too Am in Paradise II‘, Objectspace, Auckland, 13 February and Bowen Galleries, Wellington

2018. PANOHO, R. contributor to, New Zealand Art at Te Papa, Museum of New Zealand, ed. Nicola Legat, Te Papa Press and Massey University, Wellington, 14 entries on Māori art

2017.Clifford Hamilton Whiting – 1936-2017 – and Taiapa’s unfinished book…’, Art New Zealand, Issue 164, Summer 2017-2018: 26-29.

2016. Maori Art: after c.1900, Grove Art Online (in conjunction with Ngahuia Te Awekotuku – Before c.1900) accessed The online edition of the Dictionary of Art and part of the internet gateway to online art reference publications of Oxford University Press

2015. Māori Art: History, Architecture, Landscape and Theory, Batemans in association with Pihirau Productions Ltd, Auckland, 2015/2018, ISBN 9788-1-86953-867-5, pp.1-352. Photographs by Mark Adams and Haruhiko Sameshima.

2005. International collaborative work on Intangible Cultural Heritage manual: New York University, Departments of Anthropology, Film, Media & Religion Hemispheric Institute and ISSC (UNESCO) in Tepoztlán, Morelos, Belo Horizonte, Brazil (11-19 March) and culminating in meeting HQ UNESCO, Paris (8-9 July)

2004. Smoke and Mirrors: Subterfuge and Reflection in Māori Art,’ Third Text, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, London, Vol. 18, Issue 3, ISSN 0952-8822 print/ISSN 1475-5297, pp.283-291.

2003. Kei hea te ngakau Māori? Locating the Heart, Shona Rapira-Davies and Reading Māori Art’, He Pūkenga Kōrero, A Journal of Māori Studies, Massey University, Ngahuru (Autumn), Volume 7, # 2, 25-34, ISSN 1173-57.

2001. (submitted) ‘Maori Art in Continuum’, pp.1-604, PhD dissertation in the Philosophy of Art History, University of Auckland

2000. Beneath the Eagle, Vision, Leadership and Māori Art’, Pre\Dictions: The Role of art at the end of the millennium ANZAA, Victoria University, December: ISBN 0 475 11076 5, pp. 65-70.

1998. A Search for Authenticity: Towards a Definition and Strategies for Cultural Survival,’ He Pūkenga Kōrero, Kōanga (Spring), 2 (1) 1996 pp.20-25.

1998. Ethnicity in Hotere’s Art in HOTERE: Seminar Papers from ‘Into the Black’, held in conjunction with ‘Hotere Out the Black Window’ exhibition, Toi o Tāmaki, 22 August ISBN 0-86463-225-8, pp.31-42

1997. ‘Te Wehenga o Rangi raua ko Papatuānuku: The Separation of Rangi and Papa, Ways of Reading Māori Art’ Object, No.3, Centre for Contemporary Craft, Sydney, pp.21; 38-41

1997. Review ‘Sidney Mead, Māori Art on the World Scene’, Archaeology in New Zealand, volume 40, number 3, September 1997, pp.220-222

1996. Māori 2: After c.1900’ in The Dictionary of Art, London, MacMillan, pp.359-360

1995. Te Harakeke: No Place for the Bellbird to Sing. Western Colonisation of Māori Art in Aotearoa,’ in Cultural Studies 9 (1), Routledge, London, pp.11-25 (published Taylor & Francis online 23 August 2006). Based on paper and music presentation first presented at ‘Post-Colonial Formations’, Griffith University, Brisbane, 1994

1994. Waka in uncharted waters, the work of Shona Rapira Davies in Te Aro park, Bowen Galleries, Wellington, pp. 9-13

1993. He Putahitanga ‘Voices’, Report on the template exhibition for the Musuem of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa, December 1993. Peer Review: Jenny Cave, Alexa Johnston, Buddy Mikaere, David Murray, Panoho, Miria Simpson, pp. 1 -43, Appendix, pp. 44 – 120

1992. Whatu Aho Rua: (a selection of traditional and contemporary Māori taonga), Sarjeant Gallery, Whanganui, pp.1-23, Tandanya National Aboriginal Arts Centre, Adelaide International Arts Festival (a revised catalogue and version of the show originally published and exhibited within Sarjeant Gallery 1989)

1992. ‘Maori at the Centre: On the Margins’, HEADLANDS: Thinking Through New Zealand Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney & MONZ, Wellington, pp.122-134

1991. American Anthropologist. Review for Marketing Aboriginal Art in the 1990’s by Jon Altman and Luke Taylor (eds.); and The Aboriginal Arts and Crafts Industry by Jon Altman

1991.Another View of the Photographs of Laurence Aberhart’, Antic, December 1990\January

1990.Te Moemoea No Iotefa a celebration of Pacific Island art and taonga’, catalogue, Sarjeant Gallery, Whanganui, City Gallery, Wellington, Auckland Art Gallery, pp.1-40

1990. Te Atea: 34 Drawings by Paratene Matchitt’, Hawkes Bay Cultural Trust, Napier, 1990, pp.1-5

1989. ‘Whanganui: The Environment, The Spiritual’, Mervyn Williams: Points of Departure, a selection of work from the 1988 Whanganui Artist in Residence, Sarjeant Gallery, Whanganui, pp.7-18

A Decade in the Dome: Ten Years of Installations at the Sarjeant Gallery’, Art New Zealand, Autumn, 1989, Issue 50: pp.64-67

Culture/Response: Two Views’, Sarjeant Gallery, Whanganui, pp.1-7 (earlier version)

Change versus tradition: a cultural dilemma in the Pacific?’ A.G.M.A.N.Z. (Art Galleries and Museum Association of New Zealand). Journal, Volume 20.4, pp. 33-34

1988. ‘Developments in Māori Art: Paratene Matchitt’ M.A. thesis in Art History, University of Auckland, 2. Vol.s, pp.1-328

1987/88. ‘The Principle of Change in Māori Art’, Art New Zealand, Summer, 1987, vol.45, pp.63-67

1986. ‘Haongia te Taonga’, Review of the Waikato Museum of Art and History exhibition of Contemporary Māori Art at Centre Gallery, Hamilton, Art New Zealand, Spring, Issue 40: 31- 33, 82

1985. ‘Ian McMillan’, Australian Perspecta, Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, p.147


2003. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY  in Art History, University of Auckland.

 1988.  MASTER OF ARTS in Art History (1st Class Honors), University of Auckland.

  1. Presentations (a selection – including interviews)

2024. 12 April ‘Can Plants Tell Histories‘, MODAL, Mt Albert. A discussion centered on wānanga ‘narratives’ found within the ‘He Mauri’ exhibition. The challenge in this kōrero was to explore the ways in which plants and natural forms in Māori legacy have agency and carry the DNA of the ancestral stories within their growth properties and the āhuatanga ‘appearance’.

February 18 Māori Art University of Ilinois, Chicago presentation in conjunction with Chicago Arts Institute and the Global Art History network group (image featuring some of the global art experts at a Mexican Votive exhibition, Hay House, University of Illinois campus with the Curator – far left) regarding personal contributions on Māori art for upcoming publication. This discussion concerned a very specific part of my contribution to our text.


The show TĀNE MOTUMOTU, 1-17 June  also features an artist’s talk, E Kōrero Ana ki Ngā Rākau ‘Speaking to the Trees’ 4.30-5.30pm Mt Albert Library, Tāmaki, 5 June 2023 : a discussion regarding Māori cosmologies and wānanga concerning the particular birds and trees selected and other ancestral stories. The talk will focus on the importance of not analysing the botanical specimen categorically but rather connecting with it relationally through whakapapa and through ancestral metaphor. With respect to the latter distinction this kaupapa involves growing with the life cycles of the plants, trees and birds and, through the process of kaitiakitanga, relating to and speaking to them. Both the show and the talk will take place within the Mt Albert Library, Tāmaki.

6 May, obituary, he kōrero awhi, Dr Ray Thorburn Memorial, Futuna Chapel, Kārori, Pōneke

2022. Tauhere 22, Artist presentation and guided tours through Whetū Mārama, Kupe Waka Centre, Te Aurere as part of a day of activities organised in association with the kawe mate of Hekenukumai Busby 10 December 2022

2021. Mihimihi, ĀTĀROA, Mahara Gallery, Waikanae. I kōrero au ki ngā wānanga o te pikitiaroa ma runga, ‘Ngā Mahi Aroha o ngā tūpuna i tuku iho…’ me ngā pāmamaetanga o ngā Pakanga Whenua o Mua ki Te Tai Tokerau (e rua ngā mea nui ko ngā parekura o Ōhaeawai me Ruapekapeka hoki). Floortalk scheduled for 21 August cancelled due to Covid lockdown level 4 across Aotearoa

2021.  Launch of ‘A Vocabulary’, participation in panel and presentation of the poem ‘I Will Need Words‘, Te Uru, Waitākere Contemporary Gallery, Titirangi, 13 February

2020.  Launch of exhibitions during Summer break at Te Uru, Waitākere Contemporary Gallery, Titirangi including Bruce Connew’s ‘A Vocabulary’ for which I offered a mihi whakatau and a presentation of the poem ‘ 10 Shades of Crimson‘  12 December

2020.  Presenter of ‘Talking with Theo…about belonging to Māori’, A brief whakapapa relating the movement from possession to ownership of Māori, motifs and narratives, in New Zealand art. Theo Schoon Symposium, Te Uru, 8 March

2016. ‘Writing Māori Art‘, introduced by Robert Leonard (Chief Curator, City Gallery) with panel discussion of book involving Megan Tamati-Quennell (Curator Māori and International Indigenous Art, Te Papa) and Dr Peter Brunt (Victoria University), City Gallery, Wellington, August 25.

2016.  ‘Fred Graham / Rangihīroa Panoho in conversation, Maria de Jong’s book, Fred Graham, Te Tohunga Auaha, Auckland Writers Festival, NZI Room, Aotea Centre, Auckland, May 14.

2016.  ‘IOU’ Māori Art, the book + the exhibition, TIVOLI, Oneroa, Waiheke Island, Auckland, Gallery discussion regarding Adams, Sameshima photographs and Panoho paintings, 16 April. Director, TIVOLI gallery, Elizabeth Eastmond

2015.  ‘Writing Māori Art‘, Te Uru, Waitakere Contemporary Gallery, Titirangi, 4 July.

2015. How to Look at Māori art in the 21st century‘, Nine to Noon, interview with Catherine Ryan, RNZ, Auckland/Wellington (24 minutes), 12 June.

2015.  ‘Some observations regarding He Whakaputanga the 1835 Declaration of Independence, the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi and our Ngāpuhi rangatira’, Ngāti Hau ki Tāmaki, Te Pokaitahi Ngāpuhi Nui Tonu wānanga, Te Kamaka mārae, Hato Petera, Northcote, 28 February (image, wānanga atop Maunga Whīria, Hokianga)

2014.  Consultancy presentation with Tourist Industry People – ‘Taonga and Contemporary  Redefinition’, Auckland Museum, 23 November.

2013.  ‘Freedom Farmers: New Zealand Artists Growing Ideas exhibition’, Art Collective, Auckland Art Gallery, 22 November.

2013.  Consultancy presentation with CEO, Auckland Art Fair, 9 August.

2010.  ‘Māori Chinese Artists in Aotearoa, Māori/Chinese ‘Crossovers’, Māwhitiwhiti Series,  Te Whare Wānanga, Auckland Public Library, 31 August.

2010.  ‘River of Jade: Shared Cultural Icons’, Māori/Chinese ‘Crossovers’, Māwhitiwhiti Series, Te Whare Wānanga,  Auckland Public Library, 24 August.

2009. ‘The Business of Māori Art’, guest keynote speaker, Matariki Evening, Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa, Auckland Airport Mārae, 30 June.

2006. ‘Titirangi (hebe speciosa) a vehicle for exploring Ngāpuhi/Kai Tahu connections’, keynote speaker, Nth\Sth Artists Forum, Te Wheke, Rāpaki Marae, Whakaraupō, Banks Peninsula, 26 – 28 September.

2006.  The WORLD lecture series, ‘Māori and Polynesian Art’ (five presentations), Port-Vila, Savusavu Bay, Yasara i Rawa, Nuku ‘Alofa, 7-9, 14-15 November.

2005.  ‘Māori Art in Continuum/Authenticity in Māori Art’, Bridging Cosmologies, Centre for Media, Religion & Film & Department of Anthropology, New York University,
21 January.

2005.  ‘Redefining the Mārae in Aotearoa’, inside RUATEPUPUKE II, invitation by Regenstein Curator of Pacific Ethnology to attend workshop regarding reconceptualisation of marae space as a local and global place of encounter, Field Museum, Chicago, 27-29 June.

2004 – 2005. ‘Understanding Mārae as ICH’, ISSC & Hemispheric Institute NYU, Tepotzlan, UNAM, UNESCO Paris, Encuentro – FUMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 16 March.

Panoho interviews Hawaian Hula practitioner Vicky Takamine. She talks about how hula dance has served as a tool for transmission of native Hawaiian traditions, as a mode of resistance against colonialism, and as a site for the discussion of issues of intangible cultural heritage : https://hemisphericinstitute.org/en/enc05-interviews/item/1854-interview-with-vicky-takamine.html

2004.  ‘Letting the Trojan Horse in: the Courting of Postmodernism’, 31e , Congres du Comite internation d’histoire de l’art,  International Congress of Art Historians, Invading Territories, Faculte des etudes superieures, Universite de Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 26 August.

2004.  Survey Presentation on ‘Māori & indigenous art commonalities’ to Elders, Musqueam Band meeting in association with Professor Michael Ames and Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 25 February.

2004.  ‘Māori art in Continuum’, Museum of Anthropology, University of British Colombia, Vancouver, 23 February. A presentation of ideas in my recently completed PhD thesis

2004.  ‘Mārae’ the Māori meetingplace as classroom’, Cross Cultural Diversity in the Classroom panel, College Art Association, Seattle, 19 February.

2003.  ‘Post-modern readings in the work of Cotton’, Shane Cotton panel with Garry Nicholas, Megan Tamati-Quennell and Ngahiraka Mason, City Gallery, Wellington, 19 October.

2003.  ‘Reading the provocative act in Māori Art,’ Cultural Provocation: Art, Activism and Social Change, a mārae based hui and conference, Manukau Polytechnic, Auckland, 30 August.

2003. Transcribed RNZ Interview with Linda Clarke, Nine to Noon, concerning PhD thesis, Auckland/Wellington, ‘Dr Rangihiroa Panoho – First Maori Art History Ph.D graduate‘, 17 June.

2003.  ‘New Readings in Māori Art,’ Pacific Arts Association, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 24 June.

Exhibitions (a selection)

2024. 5-24 April HE MAURI Paintings and cyanotypes on paper and cotton fabric, wooden assemblages, paintings and prints on ground floor, MODAL House, Mt Albert. Hosted by Ockham Collective and generously sponsored by Eden-Albert Neighbourhood Arts.

2023 1-17 June TĀNE MOTUMOTU exhibition, Mt Albert Library, 5 paintings, 3 poems, a show featuring eco-printing from native New Zealand trees and painted/printed additions in acrylic on cotton paper, board and canvas created during the first half of this year.

2021-2023  Ātāroa, ‘long shadow’ painting/photography by Rangihīroa that explores Ngā Pakanga Whenua o Mua ‘nineteenth century land wars’ narratives particularly as they relate to family whakapapa in Te Tai Tokerau 1845/1846, Whetū Mārama, Kupe Waka Centre 10 December 2022 – 10 February 2023. St Lukes Hall, Ōwairaka, 2022, Mahara Gallery, Waikānae. Director Janet Bayly. 40 objects, inventory of artworks available at gallery. Duration of exhibition interrupted by COVID level 4 lockdown, 24 July – 18 September 2021.

2020.  Toi Maungārongo, hapū exhibition, Maungārongo mārae, Porotī. 29 February.

2016.  IOU, the book MAORI ART + the exhibition, Tivoli Art Gallery, Oneroa, Waiheke Island. 19 March – 19 April.

2015.  [Āku Maunga Hāere] a display of painting series ‘My Travelling Mountains’ with key images by Adams and Sameshima from and in conjunction with the launch of ‘MAORI ART’ book. Te Uru, Waitakere Contemporary Gallery, Titirangi, 11 June 2015.

1989/1992. PANOHO, R. Whatu Aho Rua, Sarjeant Gallery, Dowse Art Museum, Lower Hutt, 1992: Tandanya Aboriginal Cultural Institute, Adelaide, Canberra School of Art Gallery, Ivan  Dougherty Gallery, UNSW, Sydney,  Whanganui Regional Museum.

1991. PANOHO, R. Te Moemoea nō Iotefa, Sarjeant Gallery, Whanganui (300 works), 15th December 1990 – 3rd March 1991, City Gallery, Wellington, 14th July-1st September, 1991 (150 works), Auckland Art Gallery, 13th September -20th October, 1991 (140 works).

1989. Culture/Response: two views, works from the permanent collection featuring Maori and Polynesian subjects and motifs, Sarjeant Gallery, Whanganui, November 14th, 1988 – February 6th, 1989 (75 works), pp.1-10

1988.  Landscape into Garden, Sarjeant Gallery, Whanganui, (co-curator with landscape architect Fred Fredrikse, November 2nd – (42 works, catalogue, pp.1-5) December 4th, 1988


2024. April, Eden Albert Neighbourhood Arts, $6,948 grant towards creating HE MAURI ‘the lifeforce’ exhibition of paintings and cyanotypes on paper and fabric – situated ground floor in the Ockham Building, MODAL, Mt Albert, AUCKLAND

2023-2024. NGĀ TOI MĀORI FUND, Arts Grants 2023/2024 Round 1, Creative New Zealand, $50,000.00 grant to fund photography and support writing of MAORI ART: How to Read It. A second volume that looks at how the Māori artist communicates and the manner in which the reader interprets the work.

2023. June Eden Albert Neighbourhood Arts, $3,465 grant towards creating TĀNE MOTUMOTU ‘Tāne Separated’ exhibition of paintings on paper and poetry, Mt Albert Library, Auckland along with a 1 hour public presentation entitled ‘Talking To Trees’

2021. ‘An interesting example of a book that presents the local as partly or largely unavailable to a global art history, or to art history in general, is Rangihīroa Panoho’s MAORI ART : History Architecture, Landscape and Theory 2015/2018. I first heard of this book in a seminar in Melbourne, when a graduate student, Anna Parlane, suggested it as an example of a book that is available as art history, and yet is definitively different from what I am calling North Atlantic practice. The book turns out to be a massive effort to present the world’s first example of what Panoho calls the discipline toi tāhuhu or Māori art history…

James Elkins, The End of Diversity in Art Historical Writing: North Atlantic Art History, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, Berlin/Boston 2021: 133

2021. NGĀ TOI MĀORI FUND, Arts Grants 2020/21 Round 7, Creative New Zealand, $48,255.56 to research, wānanga and develop a series of artworks exploring the Northern NZ Land Wars,  15 May – 28 August 

2020. Panoho, He Mōteatea & essay  in Connew’s ‘A Vocabulary’, Paul Diamond review, ‘Best Books 2020’

2016. ‘Maori Art’ winner Australia New Zealand Art Historical Association award for Māori/Pacific writer, ANU, Canberra
‘Maori Art’ winner Ngā Kupu Ora Aotearoa Māori Book Award, Auckland Museum + Massey University
Creative NZ Toi Tipu, Toi rea –Emerging Māori Artist grant: $4,550, to create a series of artworks and write a catalogue for an exhibition at the Tivoli Gallery, Oneroa, Waiheke Island, IOU Maori Art: the exhibition + the book, March – April

2005. Visiting fellow, ‘Maori Art in Continuum’, Bridging Cosmologies, Pew Centre for Media, Religion & Film & Department of Anthropology, New York University, 21 January

2005. Collaborative Work with Field Museum Regenstein curator of Oceanic collections John Terrell and international colleagues assessing the role of the Māori meetinghouse Ruatepūpuke within the Field Museum, Chicago

2004. Getty Travel Award, CIHA (International Congress of Art Historians) see concluding statement in ‘ledevoir’ en français covering hui, Montreal, 26 August

2003. National Māori Academic Excellence Awards, Waikato University

1990. Awarded by Manly Rotary in association with Whanganui District Council. Secondment to Manly Art Gallery and Museum to research collections of Aboriginal art (in Sydney, Canberra and Adelaide) and curate a travelling exhibition to Australia . August. The opening of the Māori art exhibition Whatu Aho Rua at the Adelaide Arts Festival and its travel to venues in Sydney and Canberra in 1992 was a direct result of the planning and research begun in this secondment to Manly which was used as a base.

Previous New Zealand Positions

2020-2024. Self employed, writing, research, publication, curating, creating exhibitions and presentations for local and overseas clients

2008-2019. Pihirau Productions Ltd, writing, research, publication, curating, exhibitions, presenting

1996 – 2008. Lectureship in Māori Art, tenured and fulltime, University of Auckland.

1995.  Freelance curator working collaboratively on Hawaiki: Last Homeland  with       Auckland Museum (Rodney Wilson and Priscilla Thompson) and Museum of     Contemporary Art, Sydney (Bernice Murphy and Leon Paroissien)

1991 – 1994. Lectureship in Cultural History and Social Paradigms, School of Design, Wellington.          

1988-1991.  Curator Māori, Sarjeant Gallery, Whanganui.

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