Cornwallis Wharf, 24 OCtober 2021


I read this morning that Jesus walked out…

today on Cornwallis wharf

there was not a soul risking life or limb

on the water

2 Tongans expertly cast nylon

in wet weather orange

at the far end


polluted plankton, Cornwallis Wharf beach 24 October 2021

and down under

squat round piles

a splattering

of plankton cookie cutter shapes

rivals the finest Joan Miró

strewn rainbow petroleum mirrors

carried in grudgingly by tiny brown waves



the wind and waves

do not obey

Tāwhiri mātea blows

Tangaroa vomits

and I am feeling a little queasy

© Rangihīroa Panoho, 2019-2024. No part of this document (text or imagery) is free to be copied, plagiarised or shared for publication or for uses neither intended nor agreed on by the author without his express permission. Details for writing to the author are as follows: